LV-Linker: Supporting Fine-grained User Interaction Analyses by Linking Smartphone Log and Recorded Video Data
Hansoo Lee, Sangwook Lee, Youngji Koh, Uichin Lee
ACM UIST 2022 Poster


Data-driven mobile design as an important UI/UX research technique often requires analyzing recorded screen video data and time-series usage log data, because it helps to obtain a deeper understanding of fine-grained usage behaviors. However, there is a lack of interactive tools that support simultaneously navigation of both mobile usage log and video data. In this paper, we propose LV-Linker (Log and Video Linker), a web-based data viewer system for synchronizing both smartphone usage log and video data to help researchers quickly to analyze and easily understand user behaviors. We conducted a preliminary user study and evaluated the benefits of linking both data by measuring task completion time, helpfulness, and subjective task workload. Our results showed that offering linked navigation significantly lowers the task completion time and task workload, and promotes data understanding and analysis fidelity.

My Contribution

  • Designed and developed the LV-Linker system using React.
  • Created and presented the poster at UIST 2022.

Poster Image