Implications for the Design of Sexual Harassment Prevention System for Online Games
Wookjae Maeng, Hyeok Kim, Junhee Woo, Youngjin Huh, Seo-young Lee, Jeewon Choi, Sangwook Lee, Jinsu Eun, Kung Jin Lee, Joonhwan Lee
HCI Korea 2018


In online games, a significant number of female gamers experience gender discrimination and respond to it in various ways. However, in a male-centered game community, female gamers' gender discrimination response strategies have structural limitations. This study aims to find out the problems that occur when female gamers respond to gender discrimination in online games and find solutions to them. To clarify the problem, We conducted interviews with 20 female gamers to identify the problem. Many interviewers complained that they lacked feedback on in-game reports and that their identity was sacrificed in the process of responding to gender discrimination. To find a solution to these problems, seven game users and two game planners were recruited to hold a joint design workshop. The results derived from the workshop were a reporting system that increased gender sensitivity and a voice modulation function that concealed gender. This study emphasizes the importance of the value of inclusion for various users when designing in-game reporting systems.

My Contribution

  • Explored the literature of the joint design workshop
  • Participated in designing the joint design workshop for the study.